Cobra Kai: Here's How Hilary Swank Could Return As Julie Pierce In Season 6.


"Cobra Kai" has brought back numerous characters from the "Karate Kid" films, making some hated characters fan favorites. Hilary Swank must return in Season 6, but how?

Hilary Swank as Julie Pierce in "The Karate Kid 4"
Hilary Swank as Julie Pierce in "The Karate Kid 4" (Source:

     "Cobra Kai" season 6 will be the grand finale of the Netflix series.
     Fans are expecting the last major "Karate Kid" character to be brought back: Julie Pierce.
     Netzwelt reveals how Hilary Swank might fit into the story.

Will we see Hilary Swank again as Julie Pierce almost 30 years after "Karate Kid IV - The Next Generation"? While her return for Cobra Kai season 6 hasn't been confirmed yet, the Netflix production is bringing back all of the major characters from the films as a series continuation of the 'The Karate Kid' saga.

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With Season 6 set to be the show's finale, there's not much time left to bring Hilary Swank on board. Swank himself and the producers of "Cobra Kai" have already expressed an interest in seeing Julie Pierce again, so we can be cautiously optimistic.

But how does Julie fit into the story of "Cobra Kai"? While Julie was also tutored by Miyagi-san, she has never met Daniel or Johnny, so she won't be returning as an old friend. We have three possible explanations for you that could make Julie appear in a meaningful way in Cobra Kai Season 6.
Julie is Tory's mother

Cobra Kai: Peyton List as Tory in Season 5
Cobra Kai: Peyton List as Tory in Season 5

Who is Tory's mother? "Cobra Kai" has not yet answered this question. Of course, Tory's mother could just be an unimportant character who plays no further part in the story, but it is striking that Tory has mentioned her mother several times without us ever seeing her.

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It has already been hinted that Tory's mum could be ill, which is why Tory has to work so much and has learned to fight for himself. So could Julie be Tory's mother? It's not out of the question, but it would be a bit strange if Julie passively accepted for five seasons that the wrong influence made her daughter the best fighter in the Cobra Kai dojo.

At the same time, Julie would have a gifted successor in this way in Tory, and the series would dare something new by making Julie a tragic character whose karate days are long behind her.
Julie becomes Tory's mentor

Cobra Kai, Sam and Tory
Cobra Kai, Sam and Tory (Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix)

If Julie and Tory aren't related, there would still be a way to tie their stories together. Tory said goodbye to Cobra Kai in Season 5, but now she no longer has a dojo. While she could rejoin Kreese, who escaped from prison, there is a more hopeful possibility through Julie.

As a mentor, Julie would bring a breath of fresh air to the story, because although she and Daniel both learned from Miyagi-san, Julie may have understood and developed Miyagi's teachings in a different way.
Julie trains another dojo at the Sekai Taikai Tournament

Cobra Kai season 5
Cobra Kai Season 5 (Source: Netflix)

Season 6 focuses on the Sekai Taikai Tournament. The international karate competition will attract not only the students of Cobra Kai, Miyagi-do and Eagle Fang, but also previously unknown dojos.

So here it would be easy to bring Julie Pierce back as Sensei. Having a dojo from another city, state, or even country would also explain why we've never seen them compete in the Valley.

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An appearance of this kind would also be a good starting point for a spin-off. It's already been hinted that Netflix is considering "Cobra Kai" spin-offs, and the Sekai Taikai certainly introduces us to a variety of different dojos, each bringing new stories with new students.

So the final season of "Cobra Kai" could just be the starting signal for a Julie Pierce spin-off. "The Karate Kid" fans would be excited and theorizing right away on when and how Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence return in the new series!
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